Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Tuesday, October 8th

Today in Kindergarten...

  • We did our letter E art... E is for Earth!
  • We read a story about Earth
  • AM Kindergarten had Phys. Ed. with Mrs. Miller!
  • PM Kinder strengthened their sorting skills and sorted each other in small groups. Some of the PM sorting rules were...
    • By hair type (curly vs. straight)
    • By clothing details (shoes with laces and shoes with velcro)
Ask your child...
  • What is special about planet Earth?
  • AM - what did you play in Phys. Ed?
  • PM - who was in your sorting group? 

We are continuing to encourage independence when students are dressing themselves for the end of the morning. Kiddos who got all their gear on and zipped their own coats earned a happy face stamp on their hands today! Keep practicing, friends! We've almost got it!

Thank you to those families who have sent in non-perishables for our Food Drive "We Scare Hunger!". We're collecting food all month long :) 

Keep your eyes on the skies! 
If you and your families happen to see a spectacular sky, please snap a photo and send it in! We have a growing collection of beautiful sky pics to look at.