- We had buddies today with out Grade 3 buddies. Our buddy read us a book on the laptop (via Pebble Go) and then we told our buddy something that we learned. We then drew a picture of it.
- Instead of going outside we had a bit of a teachable moment today. History was made this morning when the first ALL female astronaut space walk took place at the international space station. This was streaming live so we got to observe and ask questions!
- We did some space yoga
- We played at centers
- We went to the gym and practice catching, throwing and skipping.
- We did some music today where we learned about 'beat' and and practicing recognizing beats in our own names.
* Asteroids fly around in space – SAM
* I learned about the first time when the astronauts went into space – CHASE
* Stars can be three different colour: blue, yellow, red. – HUNTER
* Stars can explode. - JORDAN
Ask your child...