- AM & PM Kinders looked at the below picture and shared what they could SEE, what they already KNEW about objects/places/things in the picture (fact wise), and what they WONDERED about (things they did not know the answer to yet).
- AM Kinders had GYM with Mrs. Miller today.
- PM Kinders had FAB and their snack outside.
- PM Kinders practiced a fire drill with the entire school. We talked about how a fire drill is a practice in case a real fire happened, that teachers are here to keep students safe, and that it is a SERIOUS & SILENT drill. The Kinders did excellent!
Ask your child about...
- What did they SEE, what do they already KNOW, and what was one thing they are WONDERING about in the picture below.
- AM Kinders....ask what they practiced today in gym.
- PM Kinders...ask why we do fire drills at school. Tell them to describe what they did during our fire drill today.
***A reminder for both FAB (fresh air breaks) and possible fire drills...please help your littles dress for the weather. We had a couple kiddos that did not bring toques or mitts today and some that did not bring snowpants. Future fire drills will be a surprise and children will be expected to go outside in what they are currently wearing (no coats). Today was our first one and so we had the opportunity to get only our coats on.