Thursday, January 30, 2020

Thursday January 30th, 2020


Today in Kindergarten...

  • AM & PM Kinders practiced observing and drawing a photographed close-up of a snowflake. We talked about the importance of studying the picture often, looking for shapes, and taking our time. 
  • AM Kinders went outside for some unstructured play time with their peers. 
  • PM Kinders went to gym and played some collaborative games ('toilet tag' and 'builders and bulldozers'). Ask your child how these games are played!
  • AM Kinders practiced some MATH TALK. They listened to different scenarios and decided if it was something that 'always happened', 'sometimes happened', or 'never happened'. Being able  talk about the reasons behind your answer is an important skill in math. 
  • Was the last day of our scientist centers. We will keep a few favorites out next week but will have many new centers on Monday for the children to explore. 
Please have a look in your child's folder for some information on JUMP ROPE FOR HEART :)

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Wednesday, January 29th

Today in Kindergarten...
  • We used vegetables to do some stamp art on our V pages today! 
  • We learned about the difference between fruits and vegetables
    • thank you to the families who contributed veg to our project - we appreciate your support :) 
  • We spent some time outside for FAB
  • We visited our scientist centers! 
Ask your Kinder...
  • What is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable? 
  • Where did you play today at center time? What kind of scientist were you? 

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tuesday January 28th, 2020

Exploring nature and app that encourages and supports this!

Today in Kindergarten...

  • AM & PM Kinders learned about the letter 'V' today. They practiced printing this letter in their visual journal. 
  • AM Kinders went to gym to today and participated in some collaborative group games. We talked about why we exercise, play outside, play sports (hint: it makes us stronger, increases our balance, and makes us 'feel' better). We talked about things that exercise our brains as well (e.g., playing board games, listening to books and talking about what happened, building with lego, etc.).
  • PM Kinders went to an assembly with the rest of the school and learned about JUMP ROPE FOR HEART. 
  • AM Kinders were read the book 'WE ARE ALL WONDERS' by R.J. Palacio   (This book is attached below for you to read as a family and review)

WE ARE ALL WONDERS (Read-a-loud)

Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday January 27th, 2020

Today in Kindergarten...

  • AM and PM Kinders practiced their ability to recall the beginning and end of 'THE MITTEN' by Jan Brett.
  • AM and PM Kinders went outside for some collaborative snow play

Ask your child...
  • What happened in the beginning and end of THE MITTEN (watch the below read-a-loud to help prior to this)
  • What center did your child play at and who did they talk to today? Did they fill someone's bucket? How?

Watch the below video to support your child in their ability to recall beginning and end events.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Friday, January 23rd

Today in Kindergarten...

  • We did a story sequencing challenge using the story "The Umbrella" By Jann Brett 
  • We had some outside time for FAB
  • We went to Phys. Ed. and did Mission Impossible!
  • We read Paula Bossio's " The Line" and did an art activity: L is for Line!
  • We had a short play at our Scientist centers!

Ask your Kindie...
  • What animals were in the umbrella? What came first?
  • What was special about the Line story? (It had no words!)
  • How can you turn a line into a picture? 

Please check your e-mails for important information about Valentine's Day in Kindergarten! 

Thank you to those who volunteered to send in vegetables for our Wednesday art project. 

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Thursday January 23rd, 2020

TOMORROW is a PM Kinder Friday :)

Today in Kindergarten...

  • AM Kinders were read the book 'The Umbrella' by Jan Brett. They completed a sequencing and cutting activity following this. 
  • PM Kinders learned about the letter 'U' today and practiced printing this letter in their visual journals. 
  • AM Kinders worked on representing the letter '6' in a variety of ways (e.g., dice faces, tallies, ten frame, pictures and shapes)
  • PM Kinders went to gym. They were introduced to MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (obstacle course). 
  • AM Kinders practiced their balance, strength and collaborative play skills outside.

Ask your child about...

  1. What the following letters are and the sounds each letter makes: FEDPBRNMHKLU
  2. What letters are in their name. Do they know the sounds each letter makes in their name?
  3. What they did during MISSION IMPOSSIBLE in gym
  4. How to show numbers 4, 5, and 6 in different ways. 
  5. What do all scientists do? (hint: ask questions, wonder about the world, think, read, and try different ways of doing things if something doesn't work the first time...they don't give up)

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Wednesday January 22nd, 2020

Scholastic book orders are due on January 30th (for those that wish to order online) 

Today in Kindergarten...

  • AM & PM Kinders did a little art and math. We read the book 'A Perfect Square' and then used our own creativity to turn a square into something different (e.g., an ocean, a robot, a helicopter, etc.)
  • AM & PM Kinders went outside for some SNOW PLAY. We worked on our balance, strength, and collaborative play skills. 
  • AM & PM Kinders explored our 'scientist centers'. Ask your child which center they went to today. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Tuesday January 21st, 2020

PARENTS: Although the weather is lovely, please continue to pack snow pants for you child as we will be going outside often to play and learn in the snow. Kinders get very sad when their pants, socks, and hands are wet and cold. Thank you so much in advance!

Today in Kindergarten...

  • AM Kinders learned about the letter 'U' and the sound that it makes (think pointing 'UP' or holding an 'UMBRELLA' as the sound action)
  • AM Kinders went to gym and participated in some MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. Ask your child what they had to do in Mission Impossible
  • AM Kinders played a 'power of ten' card game with a partner 
  • PM Kinders learned about the letter 'L' and the sound that it makes (think of the action of 'licking a lollipop')
  • PM Kinders went outside with their buddies and played in the snow. 
  • PM Kinders learned about different ways to represent the number 5. Ask them to show you three different ways to show this number. (e.g., tallies, on dice, with shapes, with pictures, on a ten frame, with fingers)

Monday, January 20, 2020

Monday, January 20th

Today in AM Kindergarten...

  • We did some line art for letter L! We read "The Line" by Paula Bossio, and created our own art from a line drawn in our book.
  • We played at all new scientist centers! Students this week will practice being palaeontologists, marine biologists, geologists, chemists, vets, and engineers.
  • We did a number talk all about the number 5.
Ask your AM Kindie...
  • How can you turn a line into a picture or drawing?
  • What new center did you play at today? What center are you excited to visit tomorrow?

Today in PM Kindergarten...
  • We did our snowflake art using white paint and a printmaking technique! We talked about how snowflakes have symmetry, and what we see on one arm of a snowflake, we see on all the others!
  • We finally got to go OUTSIDE! (remember outside??). We were so happy to get a quick play in the fresh air.
  • We visited at all new scientist centers.
Ask your PM Kindie...
  • What shapes did you use on your snowflake? How many arms does a snowflake have? What shape is in the middle?
  • What new center did you play at today? Which one are you looking forward to visiting tomorrow?

Friday, January 17, 2020

Friday, January 17th

Today in Kindergarten...

  • We created our own snowflake art using a new technique called print making!
  • We played a new game in gym called Builders and Bulldozers
  • We visited with our Grade 3 buddies in the learning commons to document some of our learning this year
  • We had our last day of the current centers before we switch to all new ones! 
  • We read Ezra Jack Keats' "The Snowy Day"

Ask your child...
  • How do you play builders and bulldozers?
  • How many arms does a snowflake have? What is the magic number? What shape does a snowflake start with?
  • What center did you play at today?

Have a wonderful warm weekend!! 

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Thursday January 16th, 2020


Today in Kindergarten...

  • AM Kinders learned about the letter 'L'. 
  • PM Kinders went to gym. They practiced balance walking on a bench with 'ice cream dips' on either side, holding on to a bench and jumping over and back, as well as going across the school traverse wall. 
  • PM Kinders did some YOGA
  • AM & PM Kinders learned about where we can see numbers in the world. They also were introduced to 'tallies'. 

Ask your child...
  • AM Kinders: What sound does the letter 'L' say?
  • AM & PM Kinders: What are tallies? How can you show 4, 5, and 7 with tallies? 
  • AM & PM Kinders: Where do they see numbers at home? 

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Wednesday, January 15th

Today in Kindergarten...

  • We learned about famous snow scientist Snowflake Bentley! We practiced looking for snow crystals on our own snowflake trays (black paper) with magnifying glasses
  • We learned the basics of coding with Ozobots in the learning commons today! We practiced drawing maps for the Ozobots to follow using colour and lines.
Ask your child...
  • What is the magic snowflake number? What shape is at the center of a snowflake?
  • What is an ozobot? How do they move? What does coding mean?
  • What center did you play at today? Who did you play with?

Scholastic Book Orders due JAN 30TH

Please continue sending your little ones dressed for the weather! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Tuesday January 14th, 2020

Today in Kindergarten...

  • AM Kinders went to gym. The practiced bench hops and practiced moving across our school's traverse wall. 
  • AM & PM Kinders did some surveying today for our 'K' is for Kindergarten activity. They asked their peers what their favorite Kindergarten activity was. 
  • AM & PM Kinders were read the book '50 Below Zero' by Robert Munsch. (seemed appropriate given our current Calgary weather)
  • AM & PM Kinders participated in centers today. Ask your child which center they went to and who they played with. 
  • PM Kinders played a 'power of ten' game with a partner
  • AM and PM Kinders did some dancing

Monday, January 13, 2020

Monday January 13th, 2020

Today in Kindergarten...

  • AM & PM Kinders practiced making predictions and being scientists. We observed what happened in our previous experiment with the ICE, SNOW, WATER & WATER w/ lid. We then did another experiment with MILK, FOOD COLOURING & SOAP. We recorded our predictions and observations. We also practiced some labelling (listening for the first letter sound in each of the colors seen). 
  • AM & PM Kinders were read the book 'A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue'. We are learning about problem solving in our class. 
  • AM & PM Kinders participated in centers today. Ask your child which centers they went to and who they talked to. 
REMINDER: AM Kinders have gymnastics tomorrow. Please dress appropriately to move around. No dresses and long hair needs to be tied back. Thanks for your help with this. 


Friday, January 10, 2020

Friday, January 10th

Today in Kindergarten...

  • We were water scientists! We looked at 4 jars with water, ice, and snow and practiced making predictions about what will happen in those jars over the weekend
  • We went to the Learning Commons and logged into IRIS using iPads with our buddies to document our drawing and name writing progress since September
  • We played "don't throw your junk in my backyard" and did some yoga in Phys. Ed

Ask your child...
  • What is a prediction? What did you think will happen to the jars? 
  • What did you and your Grade 4 buddy read or look at in the Learning Commons today? What is the Learning Commons?
  • How do you play "don't throw your junk in my backyard"?

Have a great weekend :) 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Thursday, January 9th


Today in AM Kindergarten...

  • We did our January self portrait. We drew ourselves as our favorite type of scientist!
  • We started our first science experiment. We looked at jars filled with snow, ice, water and practiced making predictions about what will happen inside those jars
Ask your AM Kindie...
  • What kind of scientists are there? What do scientists do? 
  • What did you think will happen to the snow and ice in the jars?

Today in PM Kindergarten...
  • We did our January self portrait too! We drew ourselves as our favorite type of scientist!
  • We went to Phys. Ed. and had our first day of Gymnastics. We practiced two types of movement: A duck walk and a knee walk!
Ask your PM Kindie...
  • What kind of scientists are there? What do scientists do? 
  • What does a duck walk look like? A knee walk?

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Wednesday January 8th, 2020

Students will be studying gymnastics during Phys Ed from Tuesday, January 7th till Thursday, January 24th.
*Please wear clothing that is easy to move in and comfortable. Sweats and a t-shirt are great clothing options (Remembering not to have TOO loose of a top on)
*Please try to avoid dresses or skirts 
*If you have long hair please try your best to have it in a ponytail so that it does not go in your face

Today in Kindergarten...
  • AM and PM Kinders learned about the letter K and practiced printing this letter with strong straight lines. 
  • AM Kinders completed their shape hunt on their house pictures. 
  • AM & PM Kinders learned --> WHAT IS A SCIENTIST? What do they do? What do they look like? What do they sound like? They practiced 'observing' artifacts and 'wondering' about and 'questioning' what they saw. 
  • PM Kinders practiced playing a 'power of ten' game with a partner. They worked on recognizing groups of numbers by sight. They also practiced identifying what number (theirs or their partners) was greater/bigger. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Tuesday January 7th, 2019

Students will be studying gymnastics during Phys Ed from Tuesday, January 7th till Thursday, January 24th.
*Please wear clothing that is easy to move in and comfortable. Sweats and a t-shirt are great clothing options (Remembering not to have TOO loose of a top on)
*Please try to avoid dresses or skirts 
*If you have long hair please try your best to have it in a ponytail so that it does not go in your face

Today in Kindergarten...

  • AM & PM Kinders learned about being a scientist. They laughed and learned while watching our in-school presentation of BUBBLING POTIONS by MAD SCIENCE. 
  • AM & PM Kinders were read the book: Ada Twist Scientist by: Andrea Beaty. We talked about what scientist look like and how they think. We talked about the most important thing a scientist can do is TO ASK A QUESTION and to try to FIND THE ANSWER. 
  • AM & PM Kinders participated in our new centers. Ask your child what center they went to and who they talked to today. 

Monday, January 6, 2020

Monday January 6th, 2019

Today in Kindergarten...

  • AM & PM Kinders were introduced to brand new centers. Ask your child what center they visited (hint: Ice Scientists, snowflake tracing, snowflake construction with pattern blocks, exploring heavy/light/balanced materials with scales, exploring magnetism/sorting, alphabet twister, world monument construction, geoboards (making snowflakes, shapes, numbers and letters), extend this art activity)
  • AM & PM Kinders played a 'power of 10' card game with a partner. They practiced saying the numbers outlaid and indicating which one is bigger/smaller, greater/less than. 
  • AM & PM Kinders shared what they did over winter break. They drew a detailed picture in their sketchbooks about this. 

Students will be studying gymnastics during Phys Ed from Tuesday, January 7th till Thursday, January 24th.
*Please wear clothing that is easy to move in and comfortable. Sweats and a t-shirt are great clothing options (Remembering not to have TOO loose of a top on)
*Please try to avoid dresses or skirts 
*If you have long hair please try your best to have it in a ponytail so that it does not go in your face