Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Tuesday January 21st, 2020

PARENTS: Although the weather is lovely, please continue to pack snow pants for you child as we will be going outside often to play and learn in the snow. Kinders get very sad when their pants, socks, and hands are wet and cold. Thank you so much in advance!

Today in Kindergarten...

  • AM Kinders learned about the letter 'U' and the sound that it makes (think pointing 'UP' or holding an 'UMBRELLA' as the sound action)
  • AM Kinders went to gym and participated in some MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. Ask your child what they had to do in Mission Impossible
  • AM Kinders played a 'power of ten' card game with a partner 
  • PM Kinders learned about the letter 'L' and the sound that it makes (think of the action of 'licking a lollipop')
  • PM Kinders went outside with their buddies and played in the snow. 
  • PM Kinders learned about different ways to represent the number 5. Ask them to show you three different ways to show this number. (e.g., tallies, on dice, with shapes, with pictures, on a ten frame, with fingers)