Monday, January 6, 2020

Monday January 6th, 2019

Today in Kindergarten...

  • AM & PM Kinders were introduced to brand new centers. Ask your child what center they visited (hint: Ice Scientists, snowflake tracing, snowflake construction with pattern blocks, exploring heavy/light/balanced materials with scales, exploring magnetism/sorting, alphabet twister, world monument construction, geoboards (making snowflakes, shapes, numbers and letters), extend this art activity)
  • AM & PM Kinders played a 'power of 10' card game with a partner. They practiced saying the numbers outlaid and indicating which one is bigger/smaller, greater/less than. 
  • AM & PM Kinders shared what they did over winter break. They drew a detailed picture in their sketchbooks about this. 

Students will be studying gymnastics during Phys Ed from Tuesday, January 7th till Thursday, January 24th.
*Please wear clothing that is easy to move in and comfortable. Sweats and a t-shirt are great clothing options (Remembering not to have TOO loose of a top on)
*Please try to avoid dresses or skirts 
*If you have long hair please try your best to have it in a ponytail so that it does not go in your face