Tomorrow is an AM Kinder Friday!
Today in Kindergarten...
- AM & PM Kinders learned about Vincent Van Gogh. We studied some of his artwork and talked how art can make us feel different things when we look at. We also talked about how we can use our senses when we look at it. Kinders imagined they were in the paintings and talked about what they could 'smell' and 'hear'.
- PM Kinders went to gym today with Mrs. Miller. They worked on catching a bean bag and underhand throws with a partner. They also showed their skipping abilities.
- AM Kinders went outside for FAB and snack today.
- AM & PM Kinders did centers today. They were introduced to a new sensory center today.
- AM and PM Kinders did some mindfulness learning (discovering how they feel when they are all tense, when they relax their muscles, when they take deep slow breaths). We also did some YOGA :)
Ask your child about...
- What new center was introduced today in class?
- What artist did they learn about today?
- What is a feeling? Can they name different feelings.