Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tuesday September 24th, 2019

Today in Kindergarten...

  • AM Kinders had gym with Mrs. Miller. They practiced moving in different ways across the gym  and are doing some small dances. 
  • AM Kinders learned about Terry Fox. They did an cutting, pasting and coloring activity in their visual journals following this. 
  • PM Kinders were read the book 'Sky Colour' by Peter Reynolds. They experimented with watercolor paints. We will paint the sky on Thursday! 
  • PM Kinders learned that it is ok to make *mistakes*. Making mistakes helps our brains to develop more wrinkles and helps us to learn and grow. Check out the song below that we danced to after learning about the 'Power of YET'. 
  • PM Kinders did a community building activity with a hula hoop! 

Ask your child about...
  1. AM Kinder: Who was Terry Fox and what was he trying to do?  Why was he a HERO?
  2. AM Kinder: What does a bear crawl look like? What does a crab walk look like? 
  3. PM Kinder: Is it ok to make mistakes? 
  4. PM Kinder: Can you tell me how you made your sky art today? 

Scholastic Book Orders came home today in your child's home communication folder. Check out the following link on how to set up an account online to order. Orders are due no late than September 30th, 2019. When you do order, please make sure you choose your child's 'home room teacher' (the one you had an interview with). Thank you so much in advance.    Setting Up An Account LINK

Nature Collection bag is due back to school this Thursday September 26th. Thank you for going on adventures with your children to collect these natural objects for school.