Monday, September 23, 2019

Monday, September 23

Today in Kindergarten...
  • We read "The Group Plan"! We talked about what it means to be part of the group plan at school! 
  • After going through Kindergarten's things they'd like to learn about in Kindergarten, we found LOTS of interest in the Sky! We looked at pictures of the sky today and used our scientist brains to look and wonder:
    • How do the stars twinkle? - Hunter
    • Why is the sun so bright? - Cameron
    • How does it thunder? - Carter & Jordon
    • I wonder why there are planets in the sky? - Ariella
    • Why is the sun and the moon sometimes up together? - Emily
    • I wonder why the sun goes away at night? - London
  • PM Kindergarten sang two songs! "My dog rags", "A few of my Favorite Things" 
  • We learned about 3 new centers

Ask your child...
  • Were you part of the group plan today? What did you do to be part of the group plan?
  • What kind of sky pictures did you look at? What do you notice about sky/ 
  • Did you play at a new center? Where did you play today? 
Please check your child's folder today, there's a special piece of homework! 

Tuesday, September 25 at 1:45pm is the Terry Fox Run! AM students are welcome to join us as long as they have a parent supervisor with them

Thursday, September 26 is PICTURE DAY

Friday,  September 27th is AM Kindergarten's first FOREST FRIDAY! Please dress for the weather - we go outside rain or shine!