Friday, September 27, 2019

Friday, September 27th

Today in AM Kindergarten...

  • We learned about the letter F
  • We visited the pond by our school with our buddies for Forest Friday!
  • We went to the gym to play red light/green light

Ask your child...
  • What words start with the letter F
    • Can you make an upper case and lowercase F?
  • What did you and your buddy collect for your design in the forest?
  • What does red light/yellow light/green light mean when you're playing red light/green light

Please have any scholastic book orders placed by Monday, September 30th! 

With cold weather comes more gear! The best way to make sure your child comes home with all their winter gear each day is to make sure it's labelled :) 
Please take some time this weekend to practice zipping zippers!

October is WE SCARE HUNGER month!