- AM and PM Kinder shared what they did over their summer holidays. We drew these pictures in our special visual journals!
- AM Kinder met their gym teacher, Mrs. Miller. They did some dancing!
- PM Kinder did some Yoga in class.
- Tomorrow (weather permitting) we plan to eat our snack outside!
Ask your child about:
-AM Kinders: what they did in gym today?
-AM & PM Kinders: What did Ms. Rauser show them pictures of today?
-AM & PM Kinders: What center did they try out? Did they do something nice for a classmate today?
New 'Important Dates' added to our Website. (right side of screen).
**Communication Folders were sent home with every child today. These folders will be coming home everyday and should come back to school each day as well. Sometimes they will not have anything in them but they come home in case you need to send something back to school AND they also have some important information taped inside (contact info & website info). Please help your child to remember to show you it each day and to bring it back to school everyday in their backpack.