Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thursday September 12th, 2019


Today in Kindergarten...

  • AM & PM Kinders were read the book 'Ish' by: Peter Reynolds. We painted buckets in our visual journals as a start to our discussions around filling each other's buckets with kind acts and words. 
  • AM Kinders went outside for snack and had the opportunity to make new friends and play on our playground structure. 
  • PM Kinders had their first session of gym with Mrs. Miller. They did some dancing and moving around in safe ways. 
  • AM & PM Kinders participated in centers inside the classroom. 

Ask your child about:
  • the book 'Ish'....what was it about?
  • what they need to do at the end of the day 'before' they run to their 'person' (high five a teacher)
**There is an IMPORTANT package of information for parents in your child's 'Home Communication Folder'. Please review and make any necessary changes. Return updated/checked package in 'home communication folder. 
Due back to school Wednesday September 18th