Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Wednesday, December 4th

Today in Kindergarten...

  • M is for Measure! We experimented with weight scales to compare the weight of various items in the classroom
  • We read Todd Parr's "Family Book" and talked all about families. 
  • PM Kindergarten rehearsed for our upcoming Christmas concert (December 12th!)
Ask your Kindie...
  • Pick an item in your kitchen - is that item heavy or light? Can you find something heavier or lighter than your spoon? cup? fork? 
  • What is something that makes our family special? What are some things we like to do together? 

We are supporting the Grade 4 Ambassador club by collecting items for "Warm Feet for the Street"! These items will be used to stuff socks for distribution by the Mustard Seed for the needy. 
Some of the most needed items we ask for are:

  • Shampoo
  • Soap
  • Chap stick
  • Deodorant
  • Body lotion

  • Here is a link from the Mustard Seed that lists a variety of other items, as well as what they can not accept. If your family would like to contribute, please send your donations before December 13th.

    If you have not yet done so, please send in a family photo, and a printed picture of the outside of your home - we plan to use both next week to study families and shapes! Thanks in advance :)