Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Mustard Seed Collection Information

Our classes are teaming up with Mrs. Henderson’s grade 4 class to collect donations for Warm Feet for the Street. The grade 4s are stuffing socks with necessities for the Mustard Seed to distribute to the needy this Holiday season.
If your family would like to participate, we are collecting any of following items:
- Bus tickets 
-Extra pair of socks 
- Travel sizes of shampoo etc. 
- Kleenex, band-aids 
-  Toothbrush/toothpaste 
- Comb, lip balm, skin cream 
- Disposable razor/shaving cream 
- Sewing kit 
- Pen & pad, calendar, address book 
- Movie passes/gift certificates

We will be collecting items (collection box inside our class) until December 13th. For further guidelines please see the link below. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! Thank you for supporting our community and our learners