Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thursday November 28th, 2019

Today in Kindergarten...

  • AM Kinders completed their drawings and explanations on what inner peace/happiness is to them using their five senses. 
  • PM Kinders learned about the letter M and practiced printing this letter. 
  • PM Kinders went to the gym today to practice for their Christmas concert. 
  • AM & PM Kinders have been working hard at decorating and making modifications to our space shuttle in the classroom. It will be ready for imaginative play next week! 
We are asking parents/guardians to send in the following to school by Monday December 2nd:
  1. a picture of their family home (on paper, does not have to be in color). Kinders will be using their picture to do a shape hunt. If you are unable to send a picture of your home....any picture of a residence will do :)
  2. a 4x6 picture of your family. We will begin to look the similarities and differences between families. We will also look at different traditions. We will keep these photos within the classroom and they will be incorporated into a family project that your child will be doing. 
There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow for all students. 
We will see our Kinders on Monday :)