- We learned how to compare the length of two objects using a popsicle stick and items around the classroom!
- We went to gymsic to practice singing, poems and actions for our upcoming Christmas concert
- We read "I am Peace" for mindful Monday
Ask your AM Kindie...
- What kind of things did you measure in your classroom today? Can you find something longer than a spoon? shorter?
- Who did you play with at center time today?
Today in PM Kindergarten...
- We started an art project! Today we used sponge painting to create a background page for an upcoming activity!
- We talked about our 5 senses!
Ask your PM Kindie...
- What colours did you use for your sponge painting? Can you tell me how you use a sponge to make art?
- What are your five senses? What do you use them for?
Scholastic Book Orders due November 28th
NO SCHOOL - November 29th
Christmas Concert - December 12th