Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Tuesday, March 3rd

Today in Kindergarten...
  • We learned about letter C! 
  • We practiced mixing primary colours
  • AM Kindergarten learned about throwing basketballs through the hoops in Phys. Ed.
  • PM Kindergarten explored a variety of science materials that had us wondering about animals and their habits. We have a lot of questions about birds! 
  • PM Kindergarten had FAB time outside today. It was a very windy play! 
Ask your Kindergartener...
  • What sound(s) does letter C make?
  • What colours could you make with red, blue, and yellow?
  • PM - what kinds of things did you get to look at after centers today? 

A Gentle Reminder
With the nice weather we've been having comes major melty puddles around our school and playground... despite our best efforts to remind little ones to stay away from the puddles, accidents tend to happen. It's for this reason (and others), that it's important your kinder has a spare set of clothes in their backpack, including spare socks! Thank you :)