Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday, March 13, 2020

Today in Kindergarten...

  • We reviewed migration and learned why birds fly in a V shape. 
  • We learned about hibernation and saw the different ways that bears, snakes, queen bumblebees and bats hibernate during the winter.
  • Our grade 3 buddies played Roll & Cover with us. We had to roll a dice and find the same number of dots on the game board.
  • In gym, we played Wax Museum. The Museum Curator had to catch the wax figures moving!
  • In music, we closed our eyes and listened to different instruments. We had to use our listening ears to figure out which instrument made the sound.

Ask your Kindergartner:
  • What does migration mean? Why do birds fly in a V shape?
  • What does hibernation mean?
  • What animals, reptiles and insects hibernate during the winter?
  • What instruments did we hear today?