*Please wear pink to support our learning around being buddies not bullies. Being Kind is cool!
- AM Kinder had gym. They started to learn some dribbling basketball skills.
- AM & PM Kinders learned about the letter 'Y' and the sound it makes. Children often mistake the sound for 'Y' as a 'W sound'. Reviewing this letter is beneficial :)
- AM & PM Kinders were read the book 'ALL THE WAYS TO BE SMART' by Davina Bell and Allison Colpoys. We will be investigating our own understandings of what helps us learn best!
- AM & PM Kinders were introduced to all new center today. Ask your child what centers they visited and what ones are they wishing to try tomorrow. :) *Does your child know when their birthday is? Kinders are wanting to share this knowledge with each other at our birthday party center :)
- Letters and sounds we have covered with Kinders to date: FEDPBRNMHKLUVWXY