Friday, February 7, 2020

Friday February 7th, 2020

Today in Kindergarten...

  • AM Kinders decorated their own Valentines bag for next week. 
  • AM Kinders went on a sensory walk with their Grade 3 buddies. They had to find 5 things they could see, 4 things they could touch, 3 things they could hear, and 2 things they could smell. We practiced labelling our pictures with the first sound that we could hear in the word. 
  • AM Kinders went to gym and practiced using a skipping rope to skip. They also played 'Don't Throw Your Junk In My Backyard' (collaborative ball game)
  • AM Kinders practiced using encouraging words and team work as they tried to maneuver a hula hoop around the circle without letting go of their peers hands.