- We did a number scavenger hunt with their buddies out in our nearby aspen forest. FOREST FRIDAYS are the best!!
- We went outside for some collaborative play time
- We listened to different classical tunes and discovered that music makes us feel and move in different ways according to the speed and sound of the song.
- We explored a wordless picture book called SNOWMAN STORY. We then used our prediction skills to draw what we thought would come next in the story at a very climatic part!
Friday, February 28, 2020
Friday February 28th, 2020
Today in Kindergarten...
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Thursday February 27th, 2020
Tomorrow is an AM KINDERGARTEN Friday
Today in Kindergarten...
Today in Kindergarten...
- AM Kinders explored various objects and artifacts. They wondered and shared their questions with their peers. We will be taking these wonders and questions and incorporating them into our next inquiry. PM will be doing this early next week.
- PM Kinders went to gym today and continued to fine tune their basketball skills
- AM & PM Kinders created their own PAUL KLEE works of art using shapes
- PM Kinders learned about the letter Z and the sound it makes.
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Wednesday February 26th, 2020
Today in Kindergarten...
- PM Kinders went to gym today and sang YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND IN ME for pink shirt day. They learned some basketball dribbling skills and played red light/green light.
- PM Kinders were introduced to 3 part patterns and had some exploration time.
- AM Kinders learned about the letter Z. Ask your child what color Zebras are in real life!
- AM Kinders joined the entire school in the hallway to sing YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND IN ME for pink shirt day.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Tuesday February 25th, 2020
To acknowledge Auburn Bay School’s participation in Pink Shirt Day tomorrow, February 26, and to continue the fight against bullying, students and staff will be encouraged to wear something pink. Pink became the color for standing up to bullying when two students in Nova Scotia stood up to bullying in their high school. A student was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school and these students showed their support for him by buying pink shirts and encouraging other students to wear them.
Thank you for helping us to create an environment that is safe and supportive. Together we can make a difference.
Today in Kindergarten...
- AM Kinders had gym today. They are practicing their basketball skills.
- AM Kinders explored 3 part patterns today and reviewed what the 'core' of a pattern is. Ask your child to tell you what the core of this pattern is:
- PM Kinders went outside for some collaborative play to practice their social and problem solving skills.
- PM Kinders were introduced to artist PAUL KLEE. The used their artist eyes to observe what they were seeing and how it made them feel.

"It looks like a color palette" - Blake
"Maybe it's squares for a disco ball" - D

"It looks like it's Egypt because there is so much yellow and sand is yellow" - Odin
"There are lots of shapes" - Daisey
"The sun is mixed with red and yellow" - Emily
"There are some letters at the top" - Ryder
Monday, February 24, 2020
Monday February 24th, 2020
FYI: Wednesday February 26th is PINK SHIRT DAY
*Please wear pink to support our learning around being buddies not bullies. Being Kind is cool!
Today in Kindergarten...
*Please wear pink to support our learning around being buddies not bullies. Being Kind is cool!
- AM Kinder had gym. They started to learn some dribbling basketball skills.
- AM & PM Kinders learned about the letter 'Y' and the sound it makes. Children often mistake the sound for 'Y' as a 'W sound'. Reviewing this letter is beneficial :)
- AM & PM Kinders were read the book 'ALL THE WAYS TO BE SMART' by Davina Bell and Allison Colpoys. We will be investigating our own understandings of what helps us learn best!
- AM & PM Kinders were introduced to all new center today. Ask your child what centers they visited and what ones are they wishing to try tomorrow. :) *Does your child know when their birthday is? Kinders are wanting to share this knowledge with each other at our birthday party center :)
- Letters and sounds we have covered with Kinders to date: FEDPBRNMHKLUVWXY

Friday, February 21, 2020
Friday, February 21st
Today in Kindergarten...
- Today was Forest Friday! We went with our buddies to our community pond to do a number scavenger hunt
- We made treasure maps for our letter X page - X marks the spot!
- We played builders and bulldozers in phys. ed.
- We practiced problem solving by figuring out how many flavor combinations we can make with a three flavoured ice cream cone
Ask your PM Kindergartener...
- How did you and your buddy work on the scavenger hunt? What were you looking for?
- What is a compass rose?
- How many flavor combinations are possible with a three scoop ice cream cone using chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry?
Pink Shirt Day is Wednesday, February 26th! Students are invited to wear a pink or red shirt to symbolize Auburn Bay School's commitment to friendship and kindness :)
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Thursday, February 20
TOMORROW IS A PM KINDERGARTEN SCHOOL DAY! It's FOREST FRIDAY - we will be going outside! Dress for the weather! 😊
Today in AM Kindergarten...
- We did our letter X art - we worked on treasure maps to show X marks the spot!
- We did a math activity all about making different combinations. We practiced making different combinations with clothing, and on our own, made as many different combos of ice cream cones using three flavours!
Ask your AM Kindergartener...
Today in PM Kindergarten...
- We practiced number representation on our whiteboards - we worked on the number 7
- We also practiced a fire drill! We remembered that fire drills are silent and serious.
- We went to Phys. Ed.
- We read a story called "Beekle: An imaginary friend"
Ask your PM kindergartener...
- What are some ways you can show a number?
- What did you play in Phys. Ed.?
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Wednesday February 19th, 2020
Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser's last day is TOMORROW. --> CLICK HERE FOR LINK
*NEW* Parent Council fundraiser just in time for Easter: Purdy's Chocolates (Due March 23rd)
Today in Kindergarten...
*NEW* Parent Council fundraiser just in time for Easter: Purdy's Chocolates (Due March 23rd)
Today in Kindergarten...
- AM & PM Kinders practiced representing numbers in a variety of ways (e.g., tallies, ten frames, dice, numeral, pictures, simple equations). We listened to this AMAZING song below to help us remember some of these ways.
- AM Kinders learned about artist PAUL KLEE
- AM Kinders went outside for some collaborative snow play
- PM Kinders went to gym today
- AM Kinders did some Yoga
Tuesday, February 18th 2020
**Check out how our school is doing by going to the online link ---> CLICK HERE
Today in Kindergarten...
**Check out how our school is doing by going to the online link ---> CLICK HERE
Today in Kindergarten...
- We read a story about Imaginary places and wrote about our own crazy dreams!
- AM kindergarten went to Phys. Ed. and practiced skipping
- We worked through the math thinking routine called Disappearing Dan. We practiced showing how we know the answers to questions about numbers!
Ask your Kindergartener...
- What was in your crazy dream?
- AM - what new game did you play in Phys. Ed. today?
- How can you use your fingers to show different numbers?
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Wednesday February 12th, 2020
Thurs. Feb. 13th & Fri. Feb. 14th (Teachers Convention)
Mon. Feb. 17th (Family Day)
Thurs. Feb. 13th & Fri. Feb. 14th (Teachers Convention)
Mon. Feb. 17th (Family Day)
Today in Kindergarten...
- AM explored numbers and ways in which we can represent them (writing the numeral, with fingers, with dice, with dominos, on ten frames, with pictures, and with tallies)
- AM & PM Kinders handed out their Valentines today. We talked about what Valentines day is all about and how it made us feel giving and receiving kindness.
- PM Kinders participated in a group activity called 'clean and messy'. The idea of working together to keep a space clean and remembering that it is everyone's job to help was discussed. We talked about the different emotions that can occur when things are not put away or treated with care.
- PM Kinders went to a special school wide TALENT SHOW assembly.
Ask your child about...
- How they feel about all the wonderful things they received from their classmates for Valentines day. (They have a bag in their backpack)
- What is Valentines day all about?
- PM KINDERS: What were some of the 'talents' that they saw at the assembly?
- AM KINDERS: What center did you go to today? Who did you play with?
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Tuesday, February 11th
***For those students participating: Tomorrow is our Valentine's Day exchange!
VALENTINES INFORMATION: If you plan on having your child bring Valentines please have them fill out Valentines for the entire class
(AM: 32 students or PM: 35 students).
Your child may bring these for distribution on Wednesday February 12th. They will just need to write their name in the 'from' area. This makes it easier for Kinders to hand out their Valentines independently.
(AM: 32 students or PM: 35 students).
Your child may bring these for distribution on Wednesday February 12th. They will just need to write their name in the 'from' area. This makes it easier for Kinders to hand out their Valentines independently.
Today in Kindergarten...
- We learned a new letter! (the letter X)
- AM Kindergarten went to Phys. Ed. to practice skipping
- PM Kindergarten decorated our Valentine's Day bags
- We practiced some mental math and learned some ways of showing what we know!
Ask your child...
- What is special about the letter X? What sound does it make?
- AM - did you learn to do with the skipping rope today?
- PM - What did you use to decorate your Valentine's day bag?
- Who did you play with at center time today?
Monday, February 10, 2020
Monday February 10th, 2020
VALENTINES INFORMATION: If you plan on having your child bring Valentines please have them fill out Valentines for the entire class
(AM: 32 students or PM: 35 students).
Your child may bring these for distribution on Wednesday February 12th. They will just need to write their name in the 'from' area. This makes it easier for Kinders to hand out their Valentines independently.
Today in Kindergarten...
(AM: 32 students or PM: 35 students).
Your child may bring these for distribution on Wednesday February 12th. They will just need to write their name in the 'from' area. This makes it easier for Kinders to hand out their Valentines independently.
Today in Kindergarten...
- AM & PM Kinders participated in a MINDFUL MONDAY activity called ALL ABOARD. Students were required to work as a team in order to get the entire class on the boat. The problem....the boat continued to decrease in size! We discovered using 'helpful words and instructions' are needed for a group to achieve a common goal.
- AM & PM Kinders practiced being mindful through YOGA
- AM Kinders were introduced to SPLAT MATH. Students would count the initial number of dots. A SPLAT would happen and they had to explain how many dots were under the splat and prove how they knew it through varying strategies. (See below example)
- PM Kinders examined a winter photograph. Students then imagined what they could SEE, TOUCH, HEAR and SMELL if they were in the picture.
Friday, February 7, 2020
Friday February 7th, 2020
Today in Kindergarten...
- AM Kinders decorated their own Valentines bag for next week.
- AM Kinders went on a sensory walk with their Grade 3 buddies. They had to find 5 things they could see, 4 things they could touch, 3 things they could hear, and 2 things they could smell. We practiced labelling our pictures with the first sound that we could hear in the word.
- AM Kinders went to gym and practiced using a skipping rope to skip. They also played 'Don't Throw Your Junk In My Backyard' (collaborative ball game)
- AM Kinders practiced using encouraging words and team work as they tried to maneuver a hula hoop around the circle without letting go of their peers hands.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Thursday, February 6th
Today in AM Kindergarten...
- We learned about letter W
- We painted our heart maps
- We had a yoga body break
- We read a story called "Pass It On" about sharing joy with people we love.
Ask your AM Kindie...
- What sound does W make? What is a word that starts with W?
- What kind of paint did you use to paint your heart map? What is a heart map?
Today in PM Kindergarten...
- We were reflective learners! We looked back through our visual journals at all the things we've learned so far in Kindergarten.
- We went to Phys. Ed. and learned a new skill (skipping!)
- We visited this week's new centers!
Ask your PM Kindie...
- What have you learned at school in Kindergarten? What do you still want to learn?
- What are some things to remember when learning how to skip with a jump rope?
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Wednesday, February 5th
Today in AM Kindergarten...
- We talked about ourselves as learners! We reflected on our year of Kindergarten so far and talked about the things we have learned so far
- We practiced a new math thinking routine called Disappearing Dan. We talked about numbers 1-10 and how we can show what we know about them.
- We played at our new centers!
Ask your AM Kindie...
- What is something you've learned so far in Kindergarten?
- Who did you play with at center time today? What new centers do you have at school?
Today in PM Kindergarten...
- We learned a new letter!
- We painted our heart maps
- We read "Red" by Michael Hall
Ask your PM Kindie...
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Tuesday, February 4th
Today in Kindergarten...

- We read Sara Fanelli's "My Map Book" and created maps of our own hearts
- We played the game "Always, Sometimes, Never" to answer to respond to the statement Triangles have sides that are all the same length
- AM Kindergarten went to Phys. Ed. where we learned a new skill (how to skip!)
- PM Kindergarten had some FAB (Fresh Air Break) time outside
- We continued exploring this week's new centers
Ask your Kinder...
- What are maps for? What was on your heart map?
- Do triangles always/sometimes/never have sides that are all the same length?
- Who did you play with at center time? What center do you want to visit tomorrow?
Monday, February 3, 2020
Monday February 3rd, 2020
"show kindness"
"give cards"
"love people"
"fill buckets"
When our buckets are full we feel:
Today in Kindergarten...
- AM & PM Kinders talked about 'self love' today. "What do you love about yourself?"
- AM & PM Kinders drew a picture of themselves for their February self-portrait. We did some reflection and sharing about what they loved about themselves and recorded these ideas on their page.
- AM & PM Kinders were read the book 'I AM LOVE' By Peter Reynolds
- AM & PM Kinders were introduced to new centers today. Ask your child what centers we now have and which ones they tried out!
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